Welcome to the 2024 Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo
We are delighted to have you as a part of the 37th Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo conference program in Austin, Texas this September.
On this page you will find all the forms, the timeline and important updates. We are excited to provide this resource for you and we hope you check back often to make your experience in presenting at the Symposium the best possible. If you have any questions about the conference please let us know – we are here to help!
Show Management Contact Information
Jenabeth Ferguson
Vice President, Symposium Director
O: 203-307-2696
C: 508-560-1936
[email protected]
Here is a timeline with all of the important dates and deadlines.
March 29 Notified of Proposal Acceptance |
One person from each session needs to confirm participation by April 9. Complete the confirmation form here.
The complete conference program will be posted by April 12. There you will find session descriptions, learning objectives, speaker names, title/company information as well as dates and times. If there are any errors please email [email protected] by April 19. Note: How the information appears on the website is how it will appear in printed pieces. Speakers are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
All presenters biographies will appear on our website. Bios should be a short paragraph highlighting your experience and how it relates to your expertise in the subject you are presenting. Speakers are required to submit a photo which will also appear on the website as well. Photo should be headshots and either an .eps or high resolution .jpg sent via email to [email protected]. Bios and photos must be submitted by May 17 in order to appear on the website. Please note we will not be including speaker’s bios & photos in the onsite printed guide.
As a speaker you receive complimentary All Access registration to the three-day conference (September 24-26) that we process. All panelists are considered speakers and receive the full complimentary registration. The facility tours are NOT included in the complimentary registration. If you would like to attend a facility tour the fee is $95. Submit this form by June 21 to register for tour or workshop.
As mentioned above all speakers receive a full complimentary registration to the 3 day conference. We are also offering the Speaker Plus Package which will give you more networking and branding opportunities. For $250 you will receive the following:
Networking – Invitation to the VIP Reception. Join us for drinks & appetizers. You will get a chance to network with the advisory board, Symposium Distinction Award winners and other VIPS in this intimate setting.
Branding – Your company logo (linked to your website) will be posted on the speaker page and on your speaker listing page
To register for the Speaker Plus Package you may use this form. Please submit it by June 21.
Please design your presentation delivery using the standard package of AV equipment provided by the Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo.
Standard Set:
• LCD Projector & Screen (16:9)
• Windows PC notebook computer
• Podium with wireless microphone (can be used hand-held or in microphone stand)
• DI Box to for audio or video in presentation.
• Head table with seating for each speaker.
• Tabletop microphones (one will be provided for every two speakers)
Things to Keep in Mind:
• You are responsible for bringing your presentation to the session room. This ensures you will have the latest and greatest version of the presentation at the time of your session. We recommend bringing your slides on a flash drive.
• HFSE does not provide internet access in the session rooms.
• Personal Computers including MACs. We strongly recommend presenters use the computer provided with the room. The A/V team configures house computer to work with the projector and audio outputs. Using the house computer will allow for a fast reset between sessions and ensures we can provide the support needed. Our A/V set is not prepared for a MAC computer. If you are considering bringing your own computer, please email [email protected] by July 19.
• Remotes/Laser pointers/Slide Advancers. We do our best to provide a remote in each room but find they often disappear. If it is instrumental to your presentation then you should plan to bring your own as we cannot guarantee one will be available.
Please take a moment to review all of the presentations guidelines. Remember, presentations are due on August 9.
It is your responsibility to coordinate with your fellow presenters as to who submits the final information. You can also download a presentation template and/or the HFSE logo for use in your presentation. While including the presentation template is optional we would like you to include the HFSE logo on your slides.
Members of our advisory board will review your presentation and send comments back by August 26. At that time we ask that you update your presentation and send us a final version.
Click here for the Presentation Guidelines.
Click here to download the HFSE logo.
Click here to download the presentation template.
You are welcome to offer a client or colleague a 15% discount when registering for the conference. You will find the VIP Code to share in your speaker bulletins. See item #9 below for ways to promote your participation in the event and offer this discount.
Speakers are responsible for their own hotel and airfare. HFSE has negotiated special group rates at several hotels near the Austin Convention Center. Click here to view travel Information including phone numbers and discount codes. Please make your room reservations early as rooms fill up quickly and are available on a first come, first served basis. The discounted room rate expires on August 22.
We encourage speakers to engage in social media concerning their presentation at the Symposium. Download our social media guide here. If you are on Facebook please like The Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo. If you are on Twitter please following us at @hcarefacilitiesand email your handle to Sophia Lapat.
A sample tweet could be : [INSERT SPEAKER NAME] is presenting on #[INSERT TOPIC] during @hcarefacilities Symposium 2024. Hope to see you at @hcarefacilities Symposium #hfse
Add a banner to your email signature, download one here.
Remember as a speaker you have a 15% discount code to offer colleagues who register. You will find that code in your speaker bulletins.
12. NEW: Promote Your Participation in HFSE with a Personalized Video!
Help us promote your involvement with HFSE this year by answering a few questions regarding your speaking role and general interest in the show here. Your responses will be recorded and saved by the HFSE team, and we will email you an edited reel of your responses that you can save and post on your social media. Your video also might be used on the HFSE social media, to promote your session. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].